Swagger Travel Baseball Program
UPDATE! The Swagger Program transitions to year-round. Read more about the details here.
Swagger Travel Baseball is a serious program. We strive to develop young athletes into solid players and individuals. We are looking for dedicated families who will support the same goals. Our players will learn and understand how to work and play like winners!
Our Youth teams are from ages 8U to 16U. Each team carries a maximum of 13 players, to ensure good coach-to-player coverage with an eye towards player development. The main tournament season is in the Fall, from late August to mid-November. Teams play 6 tournaments each, in local venues. Practices are twice weekly during the season.
Prep teams 13U and older are also part of our program. The prep season starts in late May right after the High School season, and ends in September. Our prep teams compete in regional venues, including SoCal Arizona, and Nevada.